Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A revolution of ragamuffins

I have the most precious friend in my life. One of the most amazing things that I have learned through my dear friend is vulnerability. She calls herself a ragamuffin. Always in desperate need of her Savior. I had the priveledge to walk with her through some very hard and painful experiences. What I saw was the most amazing picture of beauty! The Lord loves our vulnerability. He would much rather us admit that we need him desperatley and share our struggles with our brothers and sisters than to walk around like we have it all together.. totally terrified that we will one day be exposed. Praise God for a BRAVE friend. Who dared to show me her need for her Jesus. I will never ever forget the way the Lord continually shows up for her. He blows my mind.. This vulnerability from my dear friend has inspired me to be the same when I muster up the courage. What we have found is vulnerability breeds vulnerability. This idea is catching on more and more. It is almost like pretending to have it all together is so last year! haha! This morning I was listening to christian radio and spending a little time in scripture while Micah was in the swing. Amy Grants new song came on. I was moved to tears. WOW. "We pour out our miseries, God just hears a Melody!" Beautiful picture of being rescued by such sweet grace. I decided to share this. Hope you are moved as I was! There is so much beauty in being a ragamuffin so I have learned!
"The humble will see their God at work and be glad, Let all who seek God's help be encouraged."
-Psalm 69:32
"I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repenting hearts" -Isaiah 57:16

We need Him! We ALL need Him!


  1. Paige I loved this: "The Lord loves our vulnerability. He would much rather us admit that we need him desperately and share our struggles with our brothers and sisters than to walk around like we have it all together.." Thank you so much for sharing this on your blog. I was just talking to a friend yesterday about whether or not faith came easily to me...I told him, no, and then said that for me, it isn't like a person either has faith or doesn't, it is more of a continuous process. As long as you are honest with yourself and with God and those around you, it is OK not to be perfect. I love the idea of ragamuffin. That is such a good way to put it! None of us are perfect, we just need to "keep on keeping on!"

  2. Bethie! Thank you for reading my blog. YOu make me feel cool! Please look up the ragamuffin gospel. It is pretty much a poem. YOu will love it so! Love sharing life with you! Blessed to know such sweet people like you and your sister!
